January 21 is the 21st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Here, you will check out the list of National and International days which fall on 21 January.
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January 21st Holidays List
Every year, National Hugging Day is observed on January 21. It is an annual event dedicated to the underrated art form of the hug. The day aims to encourage hugging, as a therapeutic way to convey affection and emotions.
Squirrel Appreciation Day is observed on January 21 every year. it is a day to learn about and celebrate the world’s cutest rodents. The day was originally a creation by Christy Hargrove.
Day of Sanctity and Protection of Human Life
The Day of Sanctity and Protection of Human Life takes place on the 3rd Sunday in January each year. This year, it will be observed on January 21. On this day, Filipinos also remember the serious threats to human life.
In Poland, Grandma’s Day is celebrated every year on January 21. The day is widely celebrated across Poland. On this day, children and adults give their grandmothers cards, flowers, and small gifts.
Every year, International Playdate Day is celebrated on January 21. The day helps you to unglue your children from screens and get them to experience the outside world.
International Sweatpants Day is observed on January 21 every year. On Sweatpants Day, people honour one of the cosiest pieces of clothing ever invented.
Every year, Mariachi Day is celebrated in Mexico and all around the world on January 21, aimed at saluting mariachi music. Mariachi is a music genre and is associated with the 19th century.
National Bakers-Crafters-Makers Day
Every year, National Bakers Crafters Makers Day is celebrated on January 21, aimed at recognizing the handmade product creators of the country for their sacrifice and labor in creating unique products.
Each year, National Cheesy Socks Day is celebrated on January 21. It is a day that defines your taste and style. It also is about loving and honoring cheesy sock patterns and how adorable they are.
National Conscious Uncoupling Day
Every year, National Conscious Uncoupling Day is celebrated on January 21. As per the research conducted in the U.S., almost 50% of all marriages will conclude in divorce or separation.
Every year, National Granola Bar Day is observed on January 21, aimed at remembering this wholesome bar of nutrition and energy that has completed your breakfast table and rescued us on a hectic workday.
National Hug Your Puppy Day is observed on January 21 every year, The day is about to appreciate our pups by hugging them. These friends deserve all the love and affection.
Every year, National Max Day is celebrated on January 21. Max is a short and straightforward Latin term and has been derived from the name ‘Maximilian,’ which means ‘greatest.’
Every year, One-Liners Day is observed on January 21. The day honors the classic one-liners that have left us stunned, momentarily confused, or rolling on the floor laughing with tears in our eyes.
Our Lady of Altagracia holiday also called the Day of the Lady of Altagracia, is a holiday and is celebrated on January 21 by Dominicans everywhere.
Every year, Own Your Own Home Day is celebrated on January 21, aimed at celebrating homeownership and raising awareness about the benefits of owning a home.
Every year, Thank Your Mentor Day is observed on January 21, aimed at expressing gratitude and appreciation towards your mentor.
Every year, World Religion Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in January. This year, it takes place on 21 January. The day is a reminder of the need for harmony and understanding between religions and faith systems.
Every year, World Snow Day is observed on the third Sunday in January. This year, it will take place on 21 January. The day was created by the International Ski Federation (FIS).