HomeImportant DaysInternational Translation Day 2023: Theme, History, Activities, and Quotes

International Translation Day 2023: Theme, History, Activities, and Quotes

International Translation Day 2023: Theme, History, Activities, and Quotes – Every year, International Translation Day (ITD) is celebrated on 30 September. The ITD day is observed by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) to mark the significant role of translators all across the world.

International Translation Day aims to promote the role of language translators and to raise awareness about the commendable contributions of translators and interpreters in bridging linguistic and cultural divisions.

International Translation Day 2023 Theme 

The theme of International Translation Day 2023 is “Translation Unveils the Many Faces of Humanity.” As per UNESCO, “The theme places a special emphasis on scrutinizing power dynamics within the realm of translation, particularly concerning indigenous language communities.”

International Translation Day History and Background

In 2017, the United Nations established International Translation Day to honour the boisterous efforts of language translators and interpreters in promoting understanding, peace, and dialogue among people belonging to different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The day is also celebrated alongside the feast of St. Jerome (a patron saint of translators who translated the Holy Bible).

International Translation Day 2023 Quotes

Never trust the translation or interpretation of something without first trusting its interpreter – Suzy Kassem.

Every act of communication is a miracle of translation – Ken Liu.

Western Europe owes its civilization to translators – Kelly Louis.

In translation language facility is not enough; blood and sweat are the secret – Samuel Putnam.

To have another language is to possess a second soul – Charlemagne.

The translator is the author’s accomplice – Jorge Gonzalez Moore.

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