HomeReasoningBlood RelationBlood Relations Questions for Govt Exams 2020 Set 2

Blood Relations Questions for Govt Exams 2020 Set 2

Blood Relations Questions for Govt Exams 2020 Set 2

Directions (1-5) : Read the give information carefully and answer the questions :

A1 is father of B1 and C1 is mother of A1 . E1 is sister of F1 whose daughter is G1 . S1 , the husband of C1 is the grandfather of G1 . P1 is father of E1 and brother of R1 . S1 has only two children, both of opposite sexs.

  1. What is the relation between F1 and S1?
    A) F1 is daughter of S1
    B) F1 is sister of S1
    C) F1 is son of S1
    D) F1 is daughter in law of S1
    E) Either A or D
  2. What is the relation between E1 and B1?
    A) E1 is sister of B1
    B) E1 is brother of B1
    C) E1 is aunt of B1
    D) E1 is maternal grandmother of B1
    E) None
  3. What is the relation between B1 and G1?
    A) B1 is sister of G1
    B) B1 is brother of G1
    C) B1 is aunt of G1
    D) No relationship
    E) None   Blood Relations set 2
Directions (4-6) : Read the give information carefully and answer the questions :

A1 is mother of D1 who is father of G1. B1 is grandfather of E1 and husband of A1. D1 who has only two children is brother of C1. A1 has two children both of same gender. J1 is aunt of H1 who is sister of G1.

  1. What is the relation between J1 and D1?
    A) J1 is sister of D1
    B) J1 is mother of D1
    C) J1 is aunt of D1
    D) Cannot be determined
    E) None    
  2. What is the relation between C1 and E1?
    A) C1 is brother of E1
    B) C1 is father of E1
    C) C1 is uncle of E1
    D) Cannot be determined
    E) None    
  3. At least how many male members in the given relations?
    A) 2
    B) 3
    C) 4
    D) 5
    E) None
Directions (7-8):
A1 has two sons. E1 is the daughter of G1 and B1 is the mother of C1. F1, the brother of E1 is the son of C1 who is the son of A1. A1 is grandfather of J1 who is not a sibling of E1. B1 has a child, named is D1.
  1. What is the relationship between D1 and J1?
    A) D1 is father of J1
    B) D1 is uncle of J1
    C) J1 is son of D1
    D) Cannot be determined
    E) None    
  2. Ratio of males to females?
    A) 1 : 1
    B) 1 : 3
    C) 5 : 3
    D) 3 : 5
    E) Cannot be determined    
  3. If ‘P1 # Q1’ means ‘P1 is the sister of Q1’, ‘P1 + Q1’ means ‘P1 is the wife of Q1’, ‘P1 @ Q1’ means ‘P1 is the son of Q1’, and ‘P1 $ Q1’ means ‘P1 is the mother of Q’1, then what will be in the place of question mark, if it is provided that ‘D1 is the daughter-in-law of T1’ in the expression ‘D1 $ R1 ? L1 @ T1’?
    A) +
    B) #
    C) $
    D) @
    E) + or @    
  4. F1 is the Father of D1, who is the father of S1. M1 is the grandmother of R1, who is the son of O1. N1 is paternal uncle of R1, who is brother of S1. Relationship between O1 and R1?
    A) Mother and son
    B) uncle and nephew
    C) Father and son
    D) No relation
    E) Cannot be determined

[su_spoiler title=”Click For Answers Questions Set 2″ style=”fancy”]Answers List For  Set 2
1. D
2. C
3. E
4. E
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. E
9. D
10. A

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