HomeNewsStateS Pangnyu Phom launched the i-Learn App

S Pangnyu Phom launched the i-Learn App

S Pangnyu Phom launched the i-Learn App

On 23rd March 2021, Nagaland Health Minister Shri S Pangnyu Phom has introduced the i-Learn App. i-Learn application is a CHO capacity building and performance tracking App.

  • The Govt introduced the i-Learn application in the collaboration with USAID-NISHTHA/Jgpiego.
  • The role of i-Learn is to be improving and learning new skills in clinical and non-clinical areas.
  • It will be a learning management system for CHOs.

What S. Pangnyu said:

Nagaland in partnership with USAID-NISHTHA/Jhpiego, has implemented the i-Learn which is a CHO Capacity Building and Performance Tracking Application. It is a learning management system for CHOs with self-facilitated learning for improving and learning new skills in clinical and non-clinical areas.

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