HomeImportant DaysNational Emergency Number Day 2024: History, Dates, FAQs

National Emergency Number Day 2024: History, Dates, FAQs

Every year, National Emergency Number Day is celebrated in Finland on February 11. The date is February 11 which marks the common European Union emergency number is 112. The main objective of the Emergency Number Day is to encourage people to identify dangerous situations and prevent accidents in schools, at home, and in all public spaces. The day also guides citizens to act promptly and responsibly in emergencies and minimize the harm caused. Emergency Number Day also aims to update the emergency contact numbers on your phone.

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In 1983, The national emergency number 000 was launched and the common emergency number 112 of the E.U. was selected in 1993. In 2001, The Emergency Response Center Agency was founded and started using 10022 of the police as the emergency number.

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2024February 11Sunday
2025February 11Tuesday
2026February 11Wednesday
2027February 11Thursday
2028February 11Friday

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Is 911 the same as 112?

911 is currently used in North America, and 112 is common across the E.U. and many other countries.


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