HomeStudy AbroadUSAList Of Top 10 Deadliest Hurricanes In The United States

List Of Top 10 Deadliest Hurricanes In The United States

List Of Top 10 Deadliest Hurricanes In The United States – A hurricane is a form of storm and is also called a tropical cyclone, which gets formed over subtropical or tropical waters. when the storm’s sustained winds touch 74 mph, it becomes a hurricane. Here, you will find the list of some of the worst hurricanes in the history of the United States. 

The Cheniere Caminada Hurricane

In 1893, A robust Category 4 hurricane was seen in Cheniere Caminada, La. The wind speed target was above 130 mph. The Cheniere Caminada Hurricane became the reason for the death of more than 770 out of 1471 residents of the town. hurricane rushed over the Mississippi delta and an estimated 2,000 people died.

The Galveston Hurricane

In 1900, the Galveston Hurricane, a Category 4 hurricane arrived Galveston, Texas. It is one of the most dangerous natural disasters in the entire history of the United States. The complete island along with other regions of the coast of Texas faced 15 feet storm tides. The high tides caused 8,000 deaths and led to damage of $30 million.

San Felipe-Okeechobee Hurricane

In 1928, the Category 4 hurricane reached Puerto Rico and moved to Florida from the Leeward Islands. more than 2,000 people died due to this hurricane. The wind speed in Puerto Rico at the time of the hurricane went over 140 mph, thereby killing 312 people on the island.

The Great Labor Day Hurricane

The estimated wind speeds of this 1935 hurricane were up to 185 mph. It was a Category 5 storm with a combination of tides and high winds. The hurricane killed over 400 people.

Hurricane Camille

In 1969, the Category 5 hurricane hit the continental United States. As per the estimation, the storm tide was over 24 feet or more. The storm killed 256 people and also led to $1.4 billion or more in damage.

Hurricane Andrew

In 1992, Hurricane Andrew, a Category 5 hurricane, arrived in southern Florida. The maximum sustained winds of the hurricane were captured at 165 mph. This hurricane caused an estimated damage of $26 billion. The hurricane killed 15 people.

Hurricane Katrina

In 2005, when Hurricane Katrina, was a Category 3 hurricane near Buras, Louisiana, and Mississippi. more than 1,800 people lost their lives. it caused An estimated $170 billion in damage which is the costliest hurricane to ever hit the United States.

Hurricane Sandy

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy started in the Caribbean and approached the East Coast. The hurricane killed more than 100 Americans and led to damage worth $70 billion.

Hurricane Harvey

In 2017, A Category 4 hurricane along the coast of Texas hit and caused dozens of people and forced 39,000 people to leave their homes. It also caused $125 billion in damage. After Hurricane Katrina, this one is the 2nd costliest natural disaster in the history of the United States.

2 major Hurricanes- Irma and Maria

In 2017, Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 hurricane, and Hurricane Maria, a Category 4 hurricane, arrived in Puerto Rico after a gap of less than two weeks between them. The hurricanes caused the longest blackout in the history of the United States. The hurricane killed almost 3,000 people.

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