Chandrayaan 3 Mahaquiz Questions and Answers – On August 23, 2023, India became the first nation to do so close to the moon’s south pole. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and MyGov invite the citizens to participate in the Chandrayaan 3 maha quiz honouring India’s amazing space exploration journey, exploring the wonders of the moon, and demonstrating our love of science and discovery. To participate in the Chandrayaan 3 maha quiz, You will have to create an individual account on MyGov. All candidates will receive a participation certificate that can be downloaded, and the winners of the quiz will be rewarded with cash prizes.
Chandrayaan 3 Mahaquiz 2023 – Highlights
Quiz name | Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz |
Organizing Board | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) |
Language | English, Hindi |
Start date | 1st September, 2023 |
End Date | – |
Number of questions asked | 10 questions |
Time | 300 seconds (5 minutes) |
Rewards | E-certificate and Cash Prize The Top Performer will be awarded cash prize of ₹ 1,00,000/- The second-best performer will be awarded with a cash prize of ₹ 75,000/- The third best performer will be awarded with a cash prize of ₹ 50,000/- The next 100 performers will be awarded consolation prizes of ₹ 2,000/- The next 200 performers will be awarded consolation prizes of ₹ 1,000/- |
Official Quiz Website | myGOV |
Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz –
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) conducts the Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz on the MyGov platform as part of the celebrations honouring India’s remarkable feat in space exploration with the aim “to explore the wonders of the moon, and to demonstrate our love of science and discovery.” On 23rd August 2023, India created the momentous occasion of Chandrayaan 3’s flawless moon landing, making India the first nation to do, so close to the moon’s south pole. The main objective of the MyGov quiz on Chandrayaan 3 is to engage students in understanding the significance and successful outcomes of this lunar mission, which placed India on the global stage yet again, in the field of space research and technology.
Chandrayaan 3 Mahaquiz Questions and Answers
1. Which is the First Country to enter Mars orbit on its first attempt/ अपने पहले ही प्रयास में मंगल ग्रह की कक्षा में प्रवेश करने वाला पहला देश कौन सा है?
- USA/ यूएसए
- Russia/ रूस
- India/ भारत
- Kazakhstan/ कजाकिस्तान
Correct Answer – India/ भारत
2. Which work was authored by Bhāskara II, focusing on the ‘Calculation of Astronomical Wonders’?/भास्कर II द्वारा कौनसा ग्रंथ लिखा गया था, जिसमें ‘खगोलशास्त्रीय अद्भुतताओं की गणना’ की गई थी?
- Siddhānta Shiromani/सिद्धान्त शिरोमणि
- Aryabhatiya/आर्यभटीय
- Karaṇakutūhala/करणकुटूहल
- Surya Siddhanta/ सूर्य सिद्धांत
Correct Answer – Aryabhatiya/आर्यभटीय
3. To which Hindu Mythological character did PM Modi compare Chandrayaan-3 to?/ प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने चंद्रयान-3 की तुलना महाकाव्य रामायण के किस पात्र से की?
- Angad/ अंगद
- Sri Rama/ श्री राम
- Sri Krishna/ श्री कृष्ण
- Shiva / शिव
Correct Answer – Shiva / शिव
- Which ISRO experiment from his 26th August 2023 speech did PM Modi highlight as evidence of the organization’s dedication to a successful moon mission?/ 8. 26 अगस्त 2023 को अपने भाषण के दौरान पीएम मोदी ने सफल चंद्रमा मिशन के लिए इसरो के किस प्रयोग का विशेष रूप से उल्लेख किया?
- Creation of an artificial sun/ एक कृत्रिम सूर्य का निर्माण
- Development of a rocket prototype/ एक रॉकेट प्रोटोटाइप का विकास
- Formation of an artificial moon/ एक कृत्रिम चंद्रमा का निर्माण
- Building of a space shuttle/ अंतरिक्ष शटल का निर्माण
Correct Answer – Creation of an artificial sun/ एक कृत्रिम सूर्य का निर्माण
- Which among the following is the mission objective of Chandrayaan-3?/ चंद्रयान -3 का मिशन उद्देश्य निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा है?
- To demonstrate Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface / चंद्र सतह पर सुरक्षित और सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग का प्रदर्शन
- To demonstrate Rover roving on the moon/ चंद्रमा पर रोवर की गतिविधि का प्रदर्शन
- To conduct in-situ scientific experiments./ वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगों का संचालन
- All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
Correct Answer – To conduct in-situ scientific experiments./ वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगों का संचालन
- Which was India’s first experimental remote sensing satellite?/ भारत का पहला प्रायोगिक रिमोट सेंसिंग उपग्रह कौन सा था?
- INSAT-1A/ इन्सैट-1ए
- CARTOSAT-2A/ कार्तोसैट-2ए
- Rohini Satellite RS-1/ रोहिणी सैटलाइट आरएस-1
- Bhaskara-I/ भास्कर-I
Correct Answer – Bhaskara-I/ भास्कर-I
- When was the OneWeb India-1 Mission launched?/वनवेब इंडिया-1 मिशन कब लॉन्च किया गया था?
- 21st October 2022/21 अक्टूबर 2022
- 22nd October 2022/22 अक्टूबर 2022
- 23rd October 2022/23 अक्टूबर 2022
- 24th October 2022/24 अक्टूबर 2022
Correct Answer – 23rd October 2022/23 अक्टूबर 2022
- How does the moon light? / चंद्रमा कैसे चमकता है?
- Moon has its own energy which glows. / चंद्रमा अपनी ऊर्जा से चमकता है
- Due to reflected sunlight. / परावर्तित सूर्य प्रकाश के कारण
- Due to certain elements on the Moon which is brighter. / चंद्रमा कुछ निश्चित तत्वों के कारण उज्जवल हैं
- Due to nearby stars in the sky. / आकाश में आस-पास के तारों के कारण
Correct Answer – Due to reflected sunlight. / परावर्तित सूर्य प्रकाश के कारण
- Which was the first Satellite of the RISAT series to reach Orbit/ RISAT श्रृंखला का कक्षा में पहुंचने वाला पहला उपग्रह कौन था
- RISAT-2B/ आरआईएसएटी-2बी
- RISAT-3/ आरआईएसएटी-3
- RISAT-2/ आरआईएसएटी-2
- RISAT-1/ आरआईएसएटी-1
Correct Answer – RISAT-2/ आरआईएसएटी-2
- Which of the following is most important while choosing a landing site on the Moon? / चंद्रमा पर लैंडिंग साइट चुनते समय निम्नलिखित में से क्या सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है?
Sunlight / सूरज की रोशनी
Smooth terrain / समतल भूभाग
Least travel time / कम से कम यात्रा का समय
Plenty of rocks to study / अध्ययन के लिए ढेर सारी चट्टानें
Correct Answer – Smooth terrain / समतल भूभाग
Chandrayaan 3 Mahaquiz – Gratifications पुरस्कार
- The Top best performer will be awarded a cash prize of ₹ 1,00,000/- (One lakh rupees only).
- The second-best performer will be awarded with a cash prize of ₹ 75,000/- (Seventy-Five thousand rupees only).
- The third best performer will be awarded with a cash prize of ₹ 50,000/- (fifty thousand rupees only).
- The next hundred (100) best performers will be awarded a consolation prize of ₹ 2,000/- (Two thousand rupees only) each.
- The next two hundred (200) best performers will be awarded a consolation prize of ₹ 1,000/- (One thousand rupees only) each.
How To Play Chandrayaan 3 Mahaquiz
Chandrayaan 3 Mahaquiz – Terms and Conditions
- All Indian Citizens can participate.
- 10 questions to be answered in 300 seconds.
- no negative marking.
Chandrayaan-3 MahaQuiz Award Money
- The top performer in the Chandrayaan-3 MahaQuiz will obtain a cash prize of one lakh rupees.
- The second-best performer in the quiz will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 75,000.
- The third best performer in the will Chandrayaan-3 quiz is awarded with a cash prize of Rs 50,000.
- The next 100 best performers will be awarded consolation prizes of Rs 2,000 each.
- The next 200 best performers will be awarded consolation prizes of Rs 1,000 each.
Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz – FAQs
What is Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz?
Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz is a quiz competition conducted by the Indian Space Research Organization in collaboration with the MyGov platform. This quiz aims to celebrate the remarkable success of India’s third lunar mission.
How to participate in the Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz?
To participate, Users will have to visit the MyGov platform and search for the “Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz” under the quizzes tab.
What is the format of the Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz?
The quiz consists of 10 MCQ-type questions and you will be given 300 seconds to complete the quiz.
Is there any registration fee to participate in the quiz?
No, there is no registration fee.
What are the rewards or prizes for participating in the Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz?
Yes, You will be provided with an e-certificate at the end of each quiz. There will be also cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions, as well as hundreds of consolation prizes.
Can We attempt the Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz multiple times?
You will be able to attempt it only once from a particular email ID.