BPSC AE interview letter 2021: Download Here
Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) announces to release of the BPSC Assistant Engineer (Civil) interview letter 2021. candidates can download it from the official website or direct link (Given Below).
How to download BPSC AE interview letter 2021
Step 1: First of all, Visit the official website @ bpsc.bih.nic.in
Step 2: Next, you will click on the link “Interview Letters: For Candidates appearing in interview between 5th-10th April, 2021 under Assistant Engineer (Civil) Competitive Examination. (Advt. No. 02/2017)”.
Step 3: here, you will enter your credentials and click on the login button.
Step 4: you will see the BPSC AE interview letter 2021 on the screen and can take a printout for future use.
Direct link to download BPSC AE interview letter 2021
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