January 22 is the 22nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Here, you will check out the list of National and International days which fall on 22 January.
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January 22nd Holidays List
Every year, Celebration of Life Day is observed on January 22, which was originally instituted to commemorate the children in our lives. life is precious, individual, and a huge gift.
Community Manager Appreciation Day
Every year, Community Manager Appreciation Day is celebrated on the fourth Monday of January. In 2024, it will be celebrated on January 22.
National Blonde Brownie Day is observed on January 22 every year. Blonde brownies are also known as blondies.
Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is celebrated on January 22 every year. On this day, people listen to each meow and try to understand just what that cat is getting.
Better Business Communication Day
Every year, Better Business Communication Day is celebrated on the 4th Monday of January. In 2024, it takes place on January 22.
Every year, National Come in From the Cold Day is celebrated on January 22. The meaning of the phrase “come in from the cold”
Every year, Dance of the Seven Veils Day is celebrated on January 22. The day commemorates one of the momentous events in the “Bible,” the execution of John the Baptist.
National Grandpa Day is celebrated on January 22 every year in Poland and the day is dedicated to the wisest, humblest, jolliest man in our lives.
Every year, National Hot Sauce Day is observed on January 22. It is an excellent opportunity to show your appreciation for your favourite hot sauce.
National Polka Dot Day is observed on January 22 every year. The day is a celebration of the iconic style of Disney’s true star.
National Sanctity of Human Life Day
National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an annual day and takes place on January 22. On this day, people like to raise their voices against abortion. The presidents of the U.S. have been observing this day regularly since 1973.
Every year, National Ty Day is held on January 22. The examples of Ty are Tyler, Tyrese, and Tyrone.
Every year, National Vincent Day is celebrated on January 22. Vincent is of Latin medieval origin; and has come from the word ‘Vincentius,’ derived from the Latin word ‘vincere’ meaning to ‘conquer’ or ‘to win.’
Plurinational State Foundation Day
Bolivians observe their multicultural identity with the Plurinational State Foundation Day. The day is known as ‘Dia del Estado Plurinacional’ in Spanish and pays tribute to the nation’s new name.
Every year, Roe vs. Wade Day is observed on January 22, the anniversary of the court case that granted women agency over their bodies. The U.S. Supreme Court made abortion legalized throughout the nation.
Wellington Anniversary Day is an annual event and is observed every Monday after January 22 to celebrate the great city of Wellington.