HomeNewsEconomyTotal FDI At $72.12 billion, up 15% in April-January

Total FDI At $72.12 billion, up 15% in April-January

Total FDI At $72.12 billion, up 15% in April-January

FDI equity inflows into the country have raised by 28 per cent during April-January 2020-21, the data was released by the Commerce and Industry Ministry.

  • Total FDI has set a record during the 10-month period in FY21.
  • Computer software and hardware has emerged as the top sector during the first 10 months of 2020-21 with 45.81% of the total inflows.
  • Followed by construction (infrastructure) activities contributed 13.37% and services sector contributed 7.80%.

top investor countries in India

S.N.Countrytotal FDI equity inflow
2.The US24.28%

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