HomeNewsAgriculturea new possibility found to improve rice productivity

a new possibility found to improve rice productivity

a new possibility found to improve rice productivity

  • Researchers have recognized a new region in the genome of rice that may help in improving productivity. the whole study was carried out by the Department of Biotechnology’s National Institute of Plant Genome Research (DBT-NIPGR), ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR-IARI), ICAR-National Rice Research Institute (ICAR-NRRI), Cuttack and University of Delhi South Campus (UDSC).
  • Rice is considering as main staple foods in the world nowadays, it has low productivity.
  • To supply rice to growing population of India , there is a need to increase its production by about 50% .
  • In the study to improve productivity, four Indian genotypes LGR, PB 1121, Sonasal, and Bindli were selected.
  • The study has shown opposite phenotypes in seed size/weight.
  • In the study, researchers found one long (~6 Mb) genomic region and They give name it a `”low diversity region” or LDR in short.


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