OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Syllabus 2023 PDF Download: Check Exam Pattern – Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) Officials released an Advertisement for Technical Non-Executive (TNE) Trainees, Management Trainees (MT), and Diploma Engineer Trainees (DET) posts. the official syllabus for Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) Technical Non-Executive (TNE) Trainees, Management Trainees (MT), and Diploma Engineer Trainees (DET) Exam has been released on the official website. aspirants can also check and download the Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) Technical Non-Executive (TNE) Trainees, Management Trainees (MT), and Diploma Engineer Trainees (DET) Syllabus & Exam Pattern in the below sections. to make it easy, we have provided the download link of the OHPC MT, DTE, and TNE Exam Syllabus along with the pattern below in the section. Stay connected to our website PrepareExams.Com for getting instant updates on OHPC MT, DTE, and TNE Syllabus.
OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 – Overview
Board Name | Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) |
Posts | Technical Non-Executive (TNE) Trainees, Management Trainees (MT), Diploma Engineer Trainees (DET) |
Advertisement No | – |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Lucknow, UP |
Selection Process | Written Test |
Official Website | upenergy.in |
OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam Pattern 2023
The OHPC MT, DTE, TNE question paper of the recruitment test will be 120 MCQ questions with a Maximum mark of 120 marks and All questions carry equal marks. The Exam duration of the OHPC MT, DTE, TNE paper will be 2 hours. for each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. Below the given table is the OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam Pattern 2023.
- Total Question – 120 Questions
- Total Marks – 120 Marks
- Exam Duration – 120 Minutes
- Language –
- Mode of Exam –
- Paper Type – MCQ
- Negative Marking – Yes, 0.25 marks
Section | Subjects | Questions | Marks |
Part -I | General Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
Part-II | Subject Knowledge in the respective discipline | 80 | 80 |
– | Total | 120 | 120 |
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Subject Wise – OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Syllabus 2023
Part 1 Topics
Section | Syllabus |
Quantitative Aptitude | Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Partnership, SI, CI, Height and Distance, Time and Work, Time speed and Distance, Mensuration, Mixture and allegation, data interpretation, etc. |
General Awareness | History, Polity, Indian Economy, Rivers, Lakes, Seas, Famous days and dates, books and authors, Indian Parliament, Inventions, current affairs, sports, etc. |
Reasoning | Alphabetical Series, coding-decoding, direction and distance, blood relation, cube and dice, number series, non-verbal reasoning |
English | Cloze Test, comprehension, Error correction, sentence improvement, idioms and phrases, antonyms, and synonyms. |
Part II Topics
- Electrical Basics: Fundamentals, Magnetic circuit, A.C. Theory, Generation of Elect. Power, Conversion of Electrical Energy, Wiring and Power Billing, Measuring Instruments, Introduction to renewable power generation
- Electrical Engineering Material: Conducting materials, Semiconducting materials, Insulating materials, Dielectric materials, Magnetic materials, Material for special purposes DC/AC
- Machine & Transformer: DC Generators, DC motors, Single phase transformer, Auto transformer, Three phase transformer, Induction motor, Alternator, Synchronous Motor, Single Phase induction motor AC commutator motors, Special Electric Machine, Three phase transformers Analog Circuits/ Electronics: P-n junction diode, Special semiconductor devices, Rectifier circuits & filters, Transistors, Transistor circuits, Transistor amplifiers & oscillators, Field effect transistor, Operational amplifiers
- Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments: Measuring instruments, Anal ammeters and voltmeters, Wattmeter and measurement of power, Energy meters and measurement of energy, Measurement of speed, frequency and power factor, Instrument transformer, Measurement of resistance, Measurement of inductance and capacitance, Digital instruments
- Control System: Signal flow graph, Time response of the system, Analysis of stability, Frequency response of system, Niquiest plot.
- Digital Electronics: Number Systems and Codes, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Combinational Circuits, Sequential Circuits, Logic Families, Counters, Registers, Digital to analog converters, Analog to Digital Converters, Display Devices Generation, Transmission & distribution of Electrical Power: Generation of electricity, Transmission of electric power, Overhead line, Performance of short & medium lines, EHV transmission, Distribution System, Underground cable, Economic Aspects, Types of tariff, Substation Circuit and
- Network Theory: Circuit elements and laws, Magnetic circuits, Network analysis, Network theorems, Ac circuit and resonance, Coupled circuits, Transients, Two-port network, Filters
Microprocessor: Introduction to microprocessor & Microcontroller, 8085A microprocessor Architecture, Instruction set of Intel 8085A, 8085 A programming, Memory and I/O Interfacing, Peripheral Interface, Interfacing DAC & ADC, Application of 8085 A Power Electronics & Drives: Thyristor, Firing Circuits For Thyristor, Phase Controlled Rectifier, Inverter, Chopper, Cyclo Converter, Power Semiconductor Devices, Thyristor Applications, A.C & D.C Drives - Civil Engineering Materials: Stone, Bricks, Clay Products And Refractory Materials, Cement,
Sand, Gravel, Morrum And Fly Ash, Mortar And Concrete, Timber, Paint, Varnish And
Distemper, Iron And Steel, Bituminous Materials,Plastics, Heat Proofing And Acoustic Materials. - Construction Technology: Introduction To Construction Technology, Site Investigation, Foundations, Walls, Damp Proofing, Arches And Lintels, Doors And Windows,Floors, Roofs, Stairs, Surface Finishes, General Idea Of Seismic Planning, Design Of Building, Construction Machineries.
- Structural Analysis:- Trusses And Frames, Slope And Deflection, Fixed Beam, Continuous Beam, Slope Deflection Method, Moment Distribution Method, Three Hinged Arches. Transportation Engineering: Introduction To Transportation Engineering, Road Geometric, Road Materials, Road Pavements, Hill Roads, Road Drainage, Road Maintenance, Construction Equipment ,Traffic Studies, Landscaping And Arboriculture, Introduction To Railways Transportation, Permanent Way, Track Materials, Geometric For Broad Gauge, Points And Crossings, Laying And Maintenance Of Track, Introduction To Bridges, Bridge Site Investigation, Hydrology And Planning, Bridge Foundation, Bridge Substructure And Approaches, Permanent Bridges, Culvert And Causeway, Introduction To Docks And Harbors Break Waters Docks, Introduction To Airport Engineering, Components Of An Airport, Tunnel Engineering.
- Irrigation Engineering: Introduction to Irrigation Engineering, Hydrology, Water Requirement of Crops, Flow Irrigation, Diversion Head Works, Regulatory Works, Cross Drainage Works, Dams, Water Logging and Drainage, Ground Water Hydrology. Estimating: Introduction to Estimating, Detailed Estimate of Building As Per Pwd Specifications And Standards, Analysis of Rates, Administrative Setups Of Engineering Organizations, Detailed Estimate Of Culverts And Bridges, Estimate Of Irrigation Structures, Detailed Estimate O Roads, Pwd Accounts Works.
- Structural Design: Introduction To Design And Detailing, Working Stress Method Of Design, Limit State Method (Lsm) Of Design, Limit State Of Collapse Of Singly Reinforced Members In Bending, Limit State Of Collapse In Shear, Bond Anchorage, Development Lengths And Slicing (Lsm), Beams (Lsm) Two Way Slabs (Lsm), Axially Loaded Short Columns (Lsm), Ductile Detailing Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Design Of Steel, Design Of Timber Structures (Limit State),Structural Steel Fasteners And Connections, Design Of Tension Members, Design Of Compression Members, Design Of Column Bases And Foundations, Design Of Steel Beams, Design Of Timber Structures, Stair Case (Rcc-lsm), Design Of Footings (Rcc-lsm) Construction Management: Introduction To Construction Management, Construction Planning, Materials Management, Site Management, Construction Organization, Labor Management, Equipment Management, Quality Control, Monitoring Progress in Construction Works, Safety Management in Construction Works Advanced Construction Technology: Concrete Mixed Design, Handling, And Transporting Of Concrete, Earthquake Resistant Construction, Building Services, Construction And Earth Moving Equipment.
- Mechanics: Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics, Equilibrium, Friction, Centroid &
moment of Inertia, Simple Machines, Dynamics Theory of Machines: Simple mechanism, Friction, Power Transmission, Governors and Flywheel, Balancing of Machine, Vibration of machine parts Strength of Material: Simple stress& strain, Thin cylinder and spherical shell under internal pressure, Two-dimensional stress systems, Bending moment& shear force, Theory of simple bending, Combined direct & Bending stresses, Torsion Mechanical
Measuring Instruments: Introduction to measurement, Linear measurement, Angular measurement, Limits fits and tolerances, Transducers, Strain measurement, Measurement of Pressure, Temperature measurement Pneumatics & Hydraulics: Properties of Fluid, Fluid Pressure and its measurements, Hydrostatics, Fluid Flow, Flow through the pipe, Impact of jets, Hydraulic turbines, Hydraulic Pumps - Production Design: Engineering Drawing & Design/Design Calculation: Automobile Engineering & Hybrid Vehicles: Manufacturing Processes (Drilling, Milling, Boring)/ Manufacturing Technology: Tool Materials, Cutting Tools, Lathe Machine, Shaper, Planning Machine, Milling Machine, Slotter, Grinding, Internal Machining operations, Surface finish, lapping Manufacturing Processes/ Heat & Surface Treatment, Heat & Mass Transfer: Metrology and Measurements/Tolerance Limits, Fits: Thermal Engineering/ Power Plant Engineering: Concepts and terminology, Energy and Work Transfer, First Law of thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Working substances, Ideal gases, and real gases, Vapor Power Cycles, Gas Power cycles, Fuels and Combustion, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration cycles, Power Plant Engineering/Introduction, Steam Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant, Diesel engine power plant, Hydel Power Plant
Financial Accounting
- Accounting Standards
- Corporate Accounts
- Indirect & Direct – Tax Management
- Auditing
- Corporate & Industrial Laws
Cost & Management Accounting
- Costing Techniques
- Cost Audit
- Project Planning, Financing, Analysis and Management
- Quantitative Techniques
- Operation & Project Management Control
Financial Management
- Management Science
- International Financial Management
- Risk Management
- Capital Market Analysis
- Financial Derivatives
- Security Analysis and Investment Management
General Managerial Economics
- Management Information Systems
- Computer Applications in Business
- Management Control System
Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Planning
- Recruitment & Selection
- Human Resource Development: Strategies and Systems
- Performance Management & Appraisal
- Competency Mapping
- Training and Development
- Management of Compensations and Benefits
- Rewards & Recognition
- Human Capital Management & HR Audit
- Organizational Structure Design/Development and Change
- Management Process and Organizational Behavior
- Management of Change and Organization Effectiveness
- Managing Interpersonal and Group Processes
- Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Effectiveness
- Transactional Analysis
- Corporate Communication
- Industrial Relations & Trade Unions
- Labour Laws
- Conflict Management
- Collective Bargaining and Negations process
- Grievance Management
- Contemporary IR
- Management Science
- Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
- Corporate Evolution and Strategic Management
- Cross Cultural and Global Management
- International Business Environment
- Business Ethics, Corporate Governance & Social Responsibility
- Understanding Society and Social Structure
- Computer Applications in Business
- Management Information Systems
- Human Resource Informati
Basics of Mathematics & Statistics
- Entrepreneurship Development and Management of Real Estate
- Basic Computer Applications
- Real Estate Fundamentals
- Management Concepts & Practices
- Economics for Managers
- Fundamentals of Accounting
- Legal Framework for Real Estate
- Accounting for Managers
- Real Estate Valuation
- Real Estate Development Model
- Ethics & Environmental Studies
- Real Estate Approval & Sanction
- Building Materials & Design
- Inventory & Materials & Logistics Management
- Construction Management
- Financial Management of Business
- Marketing Management
- Human Resource Management
- Real Estate Investment Management
- Maintenance Management
- Green Practices in Real Estate
- Low Cost Affordable Housing & Space Saving Interiors
- Business Operations Management
- Research Methodology for Business
- Odisha Land Reforms Act,1960
- Laws Related to Land & Estate, Survey, Settlement, land acquisition &
Eviction etc.
- Communication process, theories and models. Types of mass communication; Media and Society – Media and Social change; problems barriers, diffusion and adoption theories.
- Development communication, scope, issues, contents, effects problems, relevance, use of multi-media, etc. Strategies – adaptation to rural India.
- Newspaper Reporting and writing – Types of reporting’; techniques; investigative, advocacy, depth; specialised reporting; Courts and Crime; writing for specialised newspapers and magazines; sourcing, data gathering etc.
- Principles of editing, design and layout, production and printing methods – current trends in newspapers and magazines;
- Broadcasting system in India; scope and nature; low cost media, relative advantage, and satellite communication. Role of radio and TV in multilingual society – kinds of radio and TV programmes, impact of Radio and TV – Audience participation.
- Basic communication research, types of research, basic applied, policy research, Impact studies, Research methods, stages of research; research tools and sampling.
- Comparative history of media – Press & Broadcasting highlights of the history of Indian Press, Press in Indian Languages. Media Laws, Constitution of India, Press Council and Codes of Ethics.
- Public Relations, Place of PR in communication, PR process and campaign planning, etc Public Opinion and propaganda.
- Organization and functions of public relation departments in private and public sector organisations, characteristics of the PR man, various publics, internal and external.
- PR planning, press relations, industrial relations, consumer, community, Government, company relations, PR and the management.
- Tools of public relations: press releases, newsletter, brochure, house journals, advertising, exhibitions, annual reports. PR and corporate image; public relations in central and state government in India.
- Role of PR in developing countries, role of multimedia publicity; Rural PR.
- Trends, issues, contents – Environmental analysis and policy surveys, PR
and Opinion research
TNE Syllabus
- Safe working practices, Environment regulation.
- Trade tools, Conductors, Cables, Measuring instruments.
- Basic Electrical Laws (Kirchhoff’s law, Ohm’s law) & Law of magnetism etc.
- Knowledge of various types of Generators, it’s rating, cooling, ventilation, bearings, lubrication, excitation , governing systems, pressure and flow, protection & control of different systems of a generating unit.
- Electrical wire joints & soldering, Winding etc.
- Electrical connection, Batteries (Test, service, recharge & installation), Stabilizer, UPS,
Inverter & Earthing. - Electronic control circuit, Relay & Circuit breaker.
- Wiring system, Testing of electrical/electronic equipment.
- DC machines, AC motors, Induction motors, Alternator & MG set, Transformer.
- Electrical/ Electronic measurement.
- Electrical illumination system, Light fittings
- Domestic Appliances,
- Power plant (Thermal, Hydel, Solar, Wind), Power lines.
- Distribution system, Control cabinet.
- Safe working practices, Environment regulation.
- Measuring instrument, Accuracy evaluation.
- Knowledge of Turbine & its auxiliaries, lubricating system, oil coolers, governors,
compressors. - Knowledge of AC plant and ventilation.
- Different types of Fitting operations.
- Working principles of Lathe & Drilling Machine, Reaming, Offhand Grinding, Tapping, Dyeing, Scraping, Fastening, different types of packing & sealing.
- Overhauling & Lubrication, concept on Bearing, sleeves.
- Power tool operation, Assembling & Fitting, Pipe joints, gaskets, Dismantle and Assemble valves & fittings in pipes, pumps , motors, compressors, vehicles, trolleys etc.
- Working principle of Welding, ARC & Gas welding and Sheet metal working by Soldering, Brazing operation.
- Forging, Limits, Fits and tolerance.
- Pneumatic & hydraulic components.
- Inspection of Machine tools, Repair & maintenance of machinery.
- Power Transmission system.
- Safe working practices, Environment regulation.
- Different types of cranes and their specifications & operations.
- Electrical systems of cranes.
- Dismantling & overhauling of different parts of crane, fitting of equipment.
- Valves, Engine oils, joints, gaskets, packings, scales, seals.
- Engineering chain tapes-rope, pulley chain, trolleys, wire gauges and ladder.
- Control systems of the cranes.
- Operation and Maintenance of the cranes.
- Measuring instruments.
- Types of brakes, limit switch, crane signals, drives and interlocks of cranes.
- Basic Electricity Rules, insulation and earthing.
- Inspection of crane equipment.
- Common defects, unsafe conditions of crane movement.
- Accounting, different types of materials, coding and preservation of materials,
estimate and budget, survey etc. - Accounting and control of purchases, storage and issue of materials.
- Different types of manuals, registers, accounts etc. Indent and Material requisition, store keeping procedure, Stocks and inventory, Audit.
- Basic Business Laws.
- Creating Accounting Ledgers and Groups; Creating Stock Items and Groups
- Concept and features of DBMS (Data Base Management System); DBMS in Business Application; Generating Accounting Information.
- Conversion table on weight, length and all types of measurements.
- Knowledge of firefighting systems, first-aid, safety rules.
- Basic knowledge, characteristics, classification, parts of computer, Backup and Restore data.
- MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint.
- Safe working practices, Environment regulation.
- Knowledge of Electricity, Generation, Transmission & Distribution.
- Friction, simple machine, heat and temperature, Engineering Drawings.
- Electrical wire joints for single and multistrand conductors.
- DC and AC circuits, R-L-C circuits.
- Measuring Instruments, types of fuses, types of wire & cables, cut outs, switches,
- Wiring of materials and hardware, house wiring
- Type of batteries, construction, working and application of Ni-cadmium, lithium cell, lead acid cell etc.
- Pipe & Plate earthing, electrical/ electronic measurements with appropriate instrument.
- Construction and working of MCB & ELCB, Megger.
- Electrical illumination system, Half–wave, full-wave, and bridge rectifiers.
- DC machine, Alternator set, motors, transformer, Power plants, control panel.
- Safe working practices, Environment regulation.
- Engineering drawing.
- Different types of welding machines, metals etc.
- Measure dimension of components.
- Gas welding, ARC welding, gas brazing, TIG welding, MIG/MAG welding.
- SMAW machine, oxy- acetylene cutting plant.
- Different types of MS pipe joints, and different welded joints testing.
- GMAW machine, GTAW machine, Plasma Arc cutting.
OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Syllabus 2023 – Download Link
Download OHPC MT Syllabus 2023 PDF | Click Here |
Download OHPC DET Syllabus 2023 PDF | Click Here |
Download OHPC TNE Syllabus 2023 PDF | Click Here |
OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Syllabus 2023 – FAQs
For how many marks, OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam will be held?
OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam will be held for 120 Marks.
Who is conducting the OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam?
The officials of the Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) are conducting the OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam.
What is the Exam duration for OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam?
The Exam duration for OHPC MT, DTE, TNE Exam is 2 Hours.
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