HomeImportant DaysNational Voter Registration Day 2023 – History, Dates

National Voter Registration Day 2023 – History, Dates

National Voter Registration Day 2023 – History, Dates – Every year, National Voter Registration Day is observed on September 19 and aims to bring Americans together over our mutual love of democracy — or so we hope. In 2023, National Voter Registration Day is being celebrated on the 19th of September. For the following year, it will be celebrated on September 17, 2024

National Voter Registration Day 2023 – History

In 2012, Approx 2000 civic organizations around the country, including League of Women Voters, HeadCount, The Bus Federation (currently Alliance for Youth Organizing), Voto Latino, Rock the Vote, and Nonprofit VOTE launched the first National Voter Registration Day on September 25. Many celebrity actors and musicians participated in the event to thousands of volunteers to encourage voter registration.

By 2022, the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), and the National Association of Election Officials (The Election Center) supported the National Voter Registration Day.

National Jude Day 2023 – History, Dates

National Voter Registration Day 2023 – Dates

2022September 27Tuesday
2023September 19Tuesday
2024September 24Tuesday
2025September 23Tuesday

National IT Professionals Day – September 19, 2023

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