HomeImportant DaysNational Sportsmanship Day 2024: Date, History, Significance

National Sportsmanship Day 2024: Date, History, Significance

National Sportsmanship Day is observed every year on the first Tuesday of March. In 2024, it take place on 5 March. This day has been observed since 1991. The International Sports Institute first established National Sportsmanship Day, aimed at promoting good sportsmanship around the country and forming high standards for future generations of athletes.

The day aims to educate people regarding the importance of sportsmanship. It also encourages people for fair play, good etiquette, and good character.

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What is the most common offense of bad sportsmanship?

Cheating or rule-breaking.

What is the true meaning of sportsmanship?

Good sportsmanship treats other players, coaches, officials, and parents with respect.

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