MP cabinet passes Religious Freedom Bill
On 26th Dec 2020, The Madhya Pradesh Govt has given its approval for the MP Freedom of Religion Bill 2020. as per the law, the guilty will be punished of up to 10 years and fine of Rs 50,000. if one commits a forced conversion of a woman.
- Now, it will be shown in the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly.
What MP Home Minister Narottam Mishra said:
- She said the bill will take place of the Religious Freedom Act of 1968 and also mentioned that the new bill will be the “most stringent law in the country against religious conversion carried out by fraudulent means, allurement or threat”.
MP Freedom of Religion Bill 2020 Punishments –
guilty will have to undergo the terms of
- 2-10 years minimum jail
- Rs 50,000 penalty
Q.1 Which state has passed Religious Freedom Bill?
MP cabinet passes Religious Freedom Bill.
Q.2 What is the Religious Freedom Bill?
As per the Religious Freedom Bill, the guilty will be punished of up to 10 years and fine of Rs 50,000. if one commits a forced conversion of a woman.