HomeNotesJNTUKJNTUK R19 B.Tech CSE 2-1 Data Structures Material/ Notes PDF Download

JNTUK R19 B.Tech CSE 2-1 Data Structures Material/ Notes PDF Download

JNTUK R19 B.Tech CSE 2-1 Data Structures Material/ Notes – Here, you will find the details about JNTUK R19 B.Tech CSE 2-1 Data Structures Material/ Notes.

JNTUK R19 B.Tech CSE 2-1 Data Structures Material – Units

No. Of UnitsName of the Unit
Unit – 1Data Structures
Unit – 2Linked List
Unit – 3Queues, Stacks
Unit – 4Trees
Unit – 5Graphs


Data Structures – Definition, Classification of Data Structures, Operations on Data Structures, Abstract Data Type (ADT), Preliminaries of algorithms. Time and Space complexity. Searching – Linear search, Binary search, Fibonacci search. Sorting- Insertion sort, Selection sort, Exchange (Bubble sort, quick sort), distribution (radix sort), merging (Merge sort) algorithms.


Linked List: Introduction, Single linked list, Representation of Linked list in memory, Operations on Single Linked list-Insertion, Deletion, Search and Traversal ,Reversing Single Linked list, Applications on Single Linked list- Polynomial Expression Representation, Addition and Multiplication, Sparse Matrix Representation using Linked List, Advantages and Disadvantages of Single Linked list, Double Linked list-Insertion, Deletion, Circular Linked list-Insertion, Deletion.


Queues: Introduction to Queues, Representation of Queues-using Arrays and using Linked list, Implementation of Queues-using Arrays and using Linked list, Application of Queues-Circular Queues, Deques, Priority Queues, Multiple Queues.

Stacks: Introduction to Stacks, Array Representation of Stacks, Operations on Stacks, Linked list Representation of Stacks, Operations on Linked Stack, Applications-Reversing list, Factorial Calculation, Infix to Postfix Conversion, Evaluating Postfix Expressions.


Trees: Basic Terminology in Trees, Binary Trees-Properties, Representation of Binary Trees using Arrays and Linked lists. Binary Search Trees- Basic Concepts, BST Operations: Insertion, Deletion, Tree Traversals, Applications-Expression Trees, Heap Sort, Balanced Binary TreesAVL Trees, Insertion, Deletion and Rotations.


Graphs: Basic Concepts, Representations of Graphs-Adjacency Matrix and using Linked list, Graph Traversals (BFT & DFT), Applications- Minimum Spanning Tree Using Prims & Kruskals Algorithm, Dijkstra’s shortest path, Transitive closure, Warshall’s Algorithm.


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