January 6 is the Sixth day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Check out the list of National and International days which fall on 6 January.
READ | January 2024: List of Important National and International Days
January 6th Holidays List
Three Kings Day – January 6, 2024
On the twelfth day of Christmas, January 6, people observe Three Kings Day. The day is celebrated most in Europe, Spain, and Latin America
Apple Tree Day – January 6, 2024
Apple Tree Day is celebrated on January 6 to honour the great tradition of growing and cultivating apples across North America.
Day of Los Reyes – January 6, 2024
Day of Los Reyes is an annual Catholic holiday and is observed in Uruguay on January 6. The original name of the holiday is the Spanish ‘Día de Los Reyes,’ which means ‘honour the wise men.’
National Bean Day – January 6, 2024
Every year, National Bean Day is observed on January 6 in the middle of winter. On the same day the famous geneticist, Gregor Mendel, died in 1884.
National Cuddle Day – January 6, 2024
Every year, National Cuddle Day take place on January 6 for a very important reason. Since January is the coldest temperature of the year.
National Davis Day – January 6, 2024
Every year, National Davis Day is marked on January 6 and is not associated with Bette Davis and Miles Davis. The day is all about all the people, mostly boys and men, named Davis.
National Samantha Day – January 6, 2024
Every year, National Samantha Day is observed on January 6. The day is celebrated by all of the Samanthas in their life. You will know about Samantha who can be from your favorite aunts to your baby sisters.
National Smith Day – January 6, 2024
National Smith Day is observed on January 6, and celebrates those who have the last name ‘Smith’ or one having ‘Smith’. Smith is one of the most popular names in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day – January 6, 2024
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day takes place on January 6 every year. The day offers the best time to show your support and appreciation for their work.
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day – January 6, 2024
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day is observed on January 6 every year. The day provides the perfect end to the season.
National Walker’s Shortbread Day – January 6, 2024
National Walker’s Shortbread Day is observed on January 6. It is a day to appreciate the delectable shortbread in all its glory.
Uruguay Children’s Day/Ephiphany – January 6, 2024
Every year, Uruguay Children’s Day is observed in Uruguay on January 6. The day is also known as Epiphany or Day of the Child (Día del Niño). It is a public holiday that focuses on delivering presents to children as part of the Christmas season.