January 14 is the 14 day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Check out the list of National and International days which fall on 14 January.
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January 14th Holidays List
National Dress Up Your Pet Day
Every year, National Dress Up Your Pet Day is observed on January 14. People can enjoy this day by dressing up their furry family members in comfortable pet clothing.
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
Every year, National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day is observed on January 14.
Every year, Cesarean Section Day is observed on January 14. C-section, also known as cesarean section is a procedure in which the baby is handled out of the mother’s womb.
The Feast of the Ass is observed on January 14 each year. The day began as a medieval Christian feast. It marks the Israelites’ flight into Egypt.
National Sunday Supper Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in January. In 2024, it will take place on January 9.
Every year, National Undhiyu Day is observed on January 14. The day celebrates the Undhiyu, a mixed vegetable dish.
Every year, Organize Your Home Day is observed on January 14. The day is the time to carry stock of all the clutter that has been accumulating in your house.
Every year, the Orthodox New Year is celebrated on January 14. The Orthodox New Year is known as the Old New Year. It is a holiday for those practicing the Orthodox faith.
Every year, Ratification Day is observed on January 14, the United States marks the ratification of the Treaty of Paris by the Confederation Congress
Take a Missionary to Lunch Day
Every year, Take a Missionary to Lunch Day is observed on January 14. Nowadays, missionaries are found in various nations around the world.
Unknown Citizens’ Day is observed on the second Sunday of January every year in the Philippines. This year, it will take place on January 14.
Every year, World Logic Day is celebrated on January 14. The day was proclaimed on November 26, 2019, by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)