HomeEnglish LanguageError of Articles

Error of Articles

Error of Articles

1. We Dont use A/An , when Type of / Kind Of / Sort Of Comes before Noun 

  • i hate this kind of book
  • what kind of business it

2. Possessive Adjectives(my / his /your)  Demostrative Adjective (this , that , these , those, the same , the other ) And Distributative adjectives (each ,every , either, neither)

3. Noun Comes Immediately after most then we cann’t use the 

  • most people  like book

4. When No / Not Any is used before Noun then no articls is used before noun

  • he has no phone
  • amit has no laptop

5. Name Of Languages,Games and Subjects

  • I know english
  • we play badmitan , baseball and cricket
  • amit is a student of year

6. Phrases

Phrases which starts with preposition At

  • At home
  • At fault
  • at work
  • at day break
  • at night
  • at down

Phrases which starts with preposition For

  • for sale
  • for favour
  • for fear
  • for leave

Phrases which starts with preposition in

  • in fact
  • in favour of
  • in trouble

Phrases which starts with preposition On

  • On sale
  • on earth
  • on foot
  • on holiday
  • on strike
  • on business

Phrases which starts with preposition Under

  • under trial
  • under ground


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