HomeNewsCoronavirusDexamethasone - COVID-19

Dexamethasone – COVID-19

Dexamethasone Drug

  • The Scientists from Oxford University has stated that Dexamethasone named Drug is very helpful in cutting the mortality rate in patients by a third. Scientists were involved with the RECOVERY (short for ‘Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy’) trial
  • As per results from the trail, it was founded that 1/3rd mortality rate has been reduced in COVID-19 patients.
  • However, there is not provided study’s underlying data for independent verification.

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About Dexamethasone Drug –

  • Dexamethasone is not known as a discovered/synthesised drug.
  • Dexamethasone has been divided as a corticosteroid hormone (glucocorticoid). The Glucocorticoids that is having anti-inflammatory activity.
  • This causes the body’s natural defensive response and also decreases symptoms for eg swelling and allergic-type reactions, are common symptoms.

Is it Useful in Treatment of COVID-19

  • dexamethasone works to reduce the body’s immune response. it can be too aggressive to control.
  • as per study, it has been found that many effected COVID-19 patients, body leads an unrestrained inflammatory response.
  • however, some patients faces a fluid accumulation in the lungs’ air sacs and the patient have to struggle to breathe. this condition is called as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
  • ARDS condition is quite dangerous for a patient. a study shown that if a patient is on ventilator then Dexamethasone is found to be more effective in such patients.


  • At present, Dexamethasone costs Rs 3 for 10 tablets and sufficient availability so far.
  • but, it will be seen that when the demand for Dexamethasone drug will increase then how it will affect on Price of drug or sufficient production and supply will be maintained or not?

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Side Effects of Dexamethasone Drug

  1. it lows the number of cells in the blood.
  2. can worsen immunosuppression.
  3. T-lymphocyte population may be effected to a large extent
  4. dizziness
  5. irregular heartbeats
  6. increase blood sugar levels in patients


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