Computer Awareness Quiz Questions And Answers Set 146: Computer Knowledge is considered as one of the most mark taker and easy sections in all the Competitive such as Government, Bank, and IT Jobs. in this article, we have provided a set of Computer Knowledge Online Test questions that contains Computer Knowledge including Basics of Computer, Data structure (DS), Internet, MS Excel, Software, Windows and other related questions are here.
Computer Awareness Quiz
Q.1 Which is the most powerful computer?
A) Micro Computer
B) Macro Computer
C) Super Computer
D) None
Q.2 Digital computer uses ——–.
A) 0
B) 1
C) Option A and B
D) None
Q.3. Who developed Unix?
A) Berkley Software Group
B) California University
D) Bell Labs
Q.4 Output of a printer is called?
A) Soft Copy
B) Hard Copy
C) Digital Copy
D) Smart Copy
Q.5 Number of function keys in a keyboard?
A) 10
B) 12
C) 13
D) 16
Q.6 Which has the largest capacity storage?
A) Hard Disk
D) Pendrive
Q.7. Intel Pentium- IV is
A) Keyboard
B) Processor
C) Monitor
D) Memory
Q.8 The base of hexadecimal is?
A) 8
B) 12
C) 10
D) 16
Q.9 Which is the largest Unit?
D) Byte
Q.10 Dot matrix is?
A) Tape
B) Disc
C) Printer
D) Drive
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