HomeNewsCoronavirusCOBAS 6800 Testing Machine for COVID-19

COBAS 6800 Testing Machine for COVID-19

COBAS 6800 testing machine

The Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare Harsh Vardhan assigned COBAS 6800 testing machine to the Nation on 14th May 2020.

  • COBAS 6800 machine is a high-end machine, fully automated machine that is used to perform real-time PCR testing COVID-19 in the service of the country.
  • COBAS 6800 would confer high quality, high-volume testing with a high throughput of almost 1200 samples in the duration of 24 hours.
  • it has been enabled with robotics as a result it would minimize the chance of contamination and the risk of infection to the health care workers and also, this machine may be operated remotely with limited human intervention.
  • The machine has to need a minimum BSL2+ containment level for testing so that, machine cannot be placed at just any facility.
  • COBAS 6800 Testing machine would be able to detect others pathogens such as Papilloma, Chlamadiya, Neiserreia, Viral Hepatitis B and C, HIV, Mtb and so on.
  • moreover, Indian Govt has made a capacity to carry out almost 1,00,000 tests per day.

About National Centre for Disease Control –
Founded: 1909
Headquarters : New Delhi

Q.1 What is COBAS 6800 machine ?

COBAS 6800 machine is a high-end machine, fully automated machine that is used to perform real-time PCR testing COVID-19 in the service of the country.

Q.2 which others pathogens can be dectected using COBAS 6800 machine?

COBAS 6800 Testing machine would be able to detect others pathogens such as Papilloma, Chlamadiya, Neiserreia, Viral Hepatitis B and C, HIV, Mtb and so on.


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