HomeNewsRankingChandler Good Government Index (CGGI) 2021

Chandler Good Government Index (CGGI) 2021

Chandler Good Government Index (CGGI) 2021

Chandler Good Government Index 2021: India is ranked at 49th place among 104 nations in terms of government capabilities and outcomes.

  • Finland has become the top country as per the CGGI Index 2021. and Venezuela claims the last position at 104 in Index.

Chandler Good Government Index pillars:

pillars are:

  • leadership and foresight;
  • robust laws and policies;
  • strong institutions;
  • financial stewardship;
  • attractive marketplace;
  • global influence and reputation;
  • helping people rise

About Chandler Good Government Index (CGGI):

  • The Chandler Good Government Index is an annual index that was created by government practitioners. it purposes to measure the effectiveness of governments in 104 countries in the world in terms of government capabilities and outcomes.

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