HomeStatic GKBiggest Dinosaur in the World Ever, Check the Names of Top-10

Biggest Dinosaur in the World Ever, Check the Names of Top-10

Argentinosaurus is known as the biggest dinosaur in the world with an estimated length and weight of 100 feet and 100 tons respectively, followed by Patagotitan, Dreadnoughtus, and Paraceratherium. Here, you will find the list of top 10 world’s largest dinosaurs.

Top-10 Biggest Dinosaurs in the World

Here is the list of top-10 largest dinosaurs in the world ever: NameWeightLength
1.ArgentinosaurusArgentinosaurus huinculensisUp to 100 tons100 feet
2.PatagotitanPatagotitan mayorum70 tons122 feet
3.DreadnoughtusDreadnoughtus schrani59 tons85 feet
4.ParaceratheriumParaceratherium orgosensis33 tons26 feet
5.AmphicoeliasAmphicoelias fragillimusPotentially up to 230 feet
6.SauroposeidonSauroposeidon proteles40-60 tons110 feet
7.DiplodocusDiplodocus carnegii15 tons85-90 feet
8.BrachiosaurusBrachiosaurus altithorax105 feet
9.TuriasaurusTuriasaurus riodevensis51 tons98 feet
10.AustroposeidonAustroposeidon magnificus25 tons25 meters

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Which is the largest dinosaur in the world?

Argentinosaurus is the biggest dinosaur in the world.with an estimated length and weight of 100 feet and 100 tons respectively.

Which is the second largest dinosaur in the world?

atagotitan mayorum is the world’s second-largest dinosaur and is weighed approximately 70 tons and measures an astounding 122 feet in length.

Name the top-5 largest dinosaurs in the world ever.

The top-5 largest dinosaurs in the world ever are Argentinosaurus, Patagotitan, Dreadnoughtus, Paraceratherium, and Amphicoelias.


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