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PULEET Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern PDF Download

PULEET Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: In this article, you can check the details about the PULEET Syllabus 2024 – Subject Wise PDF. Candidates who have applied for the Panjab University Lateral Engineering Entrance Test (PULEET) can get and download the PULEET Syllabus 2024 along with the PULEET Exam Pattern in the below sections. The Panjab University, Chandigarh conducts the entrance exams to provide admissions into different courses.

PULEET Syllabus 2024 – Overview

Board NamePanjab University, Chandigarh
Name Of The ExaminationPanjab University Lateral Engineering Entrance Test (PULEET)
CategoryEntrance Exam Syllabus
Mode of the ExamOffline

Panjab University Exam Pattern 2024

PULEET Exam duration will be 1 Hour 40 Minutes. It will include a Total of 100 Questions for 100 Marks. 1/4 mark will be deducted for the wrong answer.

SectionsQuestions/ MarksTime Duration
Basic electrical engineering101 hour 40 minutes
Basic electronics10
Programming fundamentals10
Fundamentals of mechanical engineering10
Fundamentals of civil engineering10
Fundamentals of chemical engineering10
General aptitude & communication skills10

Download PULEET Exam Syllabus 2024 – Subject Wise

Basic Electrical Engineering

Electric MachinesOperating principle and application of DC machine as generator and motor, EMF and Torque equations, methods of excitation. Operating principle and applications of 3 phase squirrel cage and slip ring induction motors, equivalent circuit and torque speed characteristics (qualitative treatment) Operating principle of single phase induction motor (split Phase and capacitor motors), torque-speed characteristics (qualitative treatment) Principle of operation and applications of variable reluctance, permanent magnet and hybrid stepper motors, speed torque characteristics (qualitative approach)
TransformersIntroduction, Basic Principle, EMF equation, approximate equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, losses, efficiency and condition for maximum efficiency, voltage regulation, open circuit and short circuit tests.
Magnetic CircuitIntroduction to magnetic circuit, magneto motive force and magnetic field strength, permeability of free space, relative permeability, reluctance, comparison of electric and magnetic circuits, B/H curve, magnetic circuits calculations, self and mutual inductance
Three Phase AC FundamentalsDisadvantages of single phase system, three phase voltages and currents, voltages and currents in star and delta connected systems, power in a three phase system, solution of three phase balanced circuits, power and power factor measurement by two watt-meter method
Single Phase AC FundamentalsAlternating current systems, waveform terms and definitions, average and r.m.s. values of alternating, quantities, phasor notation, solution and phasor diagram of single phase ac circuits with sinusoidal source excitation
DC circuitsVoltage and current sources, Kirchhoff’s laws and network solution, network analysis by mesh and node analysis, superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, delta-star transformation and vice-versa, maximum- power transfer theorem, energy storage elements, step response of RL, RC and RLC circuits

Basic Electronics

CommunicationBasic Concepts, Modulation, Need for modulation, introduction to AM, FM, PM.
Test and measuring instrumentsBlock diagram, concept of digital electronic voltmeters, ammeter and wattmeter, CRO, Signal Generators, Sensors and Transducers and their classification. Working principle of resistive, capacitive, photosensitive and temperature transducers. Block diagram and working principle of analog and digital data acquisition system.
Flip flopsConcept of flip-flops, RS, D, JK and T types, triggered and clocked, master slave, Shift Register, concept of synchronous and asynchronous counters. Half and full adder, subtractor, Seven Segment display, Concept of Mux, deMux, decoder and encoder
Boolean algebra and logic gatesBinary and Hexadecimal number system, BCD and weighted codes, Binary arithmetic, Logic-positive and negative logic, basic and universal logic gates. Boolean algebra and postulates, reduction of Boolean expression.
OscillatorsBlock Diagram of feedback circuit used as an oscillator, Barkhausen criterion, types of oscillators.
Operational amplifiersBlock Diagram, Characteristics of an ideal OP-AMP, Application of OP-AMP as an Inverting amplifier, Phase Shifter, Scale Changer, Non-inverting amplifier, Adder or Summing amplifier, differential or difference amplifier, integrator.
Field effect transistorIntroduction, Types of FET’s, JFET’s, MOSFET’s, CMOS, characteristics, working, applications.
Bipolar junction transistorIntroduction, Junction Transistor Structure, Operation, Transistor amplifying action, CB, CC and CE Configuration, characteristics, application of transistor as an amplifier.
Semiconductor DiodePN-Junction, Junction Theory, V-I characteristics of a PN-Junction Diode, Ideal Diode, Use of Diode in Rectifiers: Half Wave Rectifiers, Full Wave Rectifiers, Zener Diode, Varacter Diode, Light Emitting Diodes.

Programming Fundamentals

IntroductionComputer Basic, Block Diagram of Computer, Memory Hierarchy, Types of RAM, Secondary Memory Introduction to Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Program Structure, Linux Shell Commands, Bourne Shell, C Shell, Korn Shell
Basic Constructs of CKeywords, Identifiers, Variables, Symbolic Constants, Data Types and their storage, Operands, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Increment & Decrement Operators, Expressions, Conditional Expressions, Assignment Operators and Expressions, Type Conversions, Precedence and Order of Evaluation, External Variables and Scope of Variables. Basic Input Output, Formatted I/O.
Program Control FlowStatements and Blocks, Conditional Statements, IF, ELSE-IF, Switch Case statements, Control Loops, For, While and Do-While, Go to and Labels.
Arrays & FunctionsPointers and Addresses, Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays, strings, pointer arrays, Functions, Function Prototyping, Scope of functions, Arguments, Call by value and call by references, static variables, recursion, C-Preprocessor and Macros, Command line arguments.
StructuresStructures, Array of Structures, pointer to structures, Typedef, Unions, Bit fields, passing structures as an argument to functions
Input and OutputStandard and Formatted Input and Output, File Access & its types, Line Input and Output, Types of Files, Binary & ASCII Files, Error handling, stderr and Exit functions
Introduction to Object Oriented ProgrammingClasses and Objects, Structures vs Classes, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance.

Civil Engineering

Estimation and CostingEstimation and Types of estimation, Analysis of Rates, Irrigation Work Estimation, Road Work Estimation and Valuation
Soil MechanicsPhysical Properties of soil and Soil classification, Water flow through soil and Soil Deformation, Strength Characteristics of soil and soil Compaction, Bearing Capacity and Site Exploration
Transportation EngineeringRoad Geometrics, Highway Surveying, Road Material and Pavement, Road Drainage and Maintenance.
Irrigation EngineeringRainfall and Run off, Crops water requirement, Irrigation and types of irrigation, Canal Works, Water logging and Drainage, Dams.
SurveyingChain & Compass Surveying, Leveling using Dumping and IOP Level
Steel StructureStructural Steel Section and Connections, Tension, Compression and Beam Members.
Reinforced Concrete StructuresReinforcement, Theory of RCC Beams, Bonds in RCC Beams, Singly & Doubly RCC Beams, RCC Slabs, Reinforced Brick Works and Columns.
Concrete and StructuresConcrete and Properties of Concrete, Formwork, ordinary and special concrete, Concrete Operation. Stress & strain, Bending Moment & Shear Force, Slope and Deflection, Columns and trusses.
HydraulicsFluids and Properties of fluids, Hydrostatic Pressure, fluid flow and measurement through pipe and open channel
Construction Material and Building ConstructionRock, Bricks & Tiles, Cement, Lime Timber and paints, Excavation of foundation, Brick Masonry, Stone Masonry, Wall, Mortal & Concrete, Damp-proofing, Doors-windows, Roof, Floors, Stairs and Building planning.

Mechanical Engineering

Bending and TorsionStress in beams due to bending, proof of formulae M/I = f/y = E/R and its application to beams of rectangular and circular section. Application of torsion equation to hollow and solid circular shaft
Bending moment (B.M.) and Shear force (S.F.)Diagrams for cantilevers, simply supported beams with or without overhang and calculation of maximum B.M. and S.F. and the point of contra flexure under the following loads. Concentrated loads, Uniformly distributed loads over whole span or part of span, combination of concentrated loads (two or three) and uniformly distributed loads.
Simple Stress and StrainsConcept of stress and strain. Stress and strains in bars subjected to tension and compression, stress-strain diagrams, mechanical properties, factor of safety, Extension of Uniform bar under its own weight, stress produced in compound bars (two or three) due to axial loads.
Flow MeasurementPilot tube, Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Notches (Rectangular & Triangular) and weirs, Rotameter.
Fluid DynamicsEquation of continuity, Euler’s Equation, Bernoulli’s equation, simple applications to one dimensional flow problems
Kinematics Of Fluid FlowTypes of flow, acceleration in fluid flow, stream lines, stream tubes, irrotational flow, stream function, velocity potential, flow nets.
Power CyclesCarnot and Rankine steam power cycles. Effect of mean temperature of heat addition on Ranking cycle efficiency. Otto, Diesel and Dual combustion cycles for reciprocating I.C. engines.
Steam and Its FormationP-V, P-T, T-S, H-S diagrams of water. Dryness fraction and its measurement by calorimeter. Uses of steam tables and mollier chart (H-S chart)
Laws of ThermodynamicsFirst law of thermodynamics, Steady flow energy equation and its applications (nozzle, throttling device, turbine, compressor, heat exchanger). Limitations of first law, statements of second law by Max-planck and Clausis, equivalence between the two statements. Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot’s theorem. Energy analysis of a heat engine, refrigerator and heat pump.

Chemical Engineering

Introduction to Engineering CalculationsUnits and dimensions, conversion of units, systems of units, dimensional homogeneity and dimensionless quantities, Conversions involving process variables like pressure, temperature, density/specific gravity, mass, volume, flow rate and chemical composition. Chemical equations and stoichiometry.
Systematic analysis of chemical processesUnit operations and unit processes, material and energy balances, thermodynamics, chemical reaction engineering, Introduction to material balances without chemical reactions. Limiting and excess reactants. Recycle, Bypass and Purge calculations.
Gas laws and humidity calculationsP-V-T relations for gas and gas mixtures, calculations using ideal gas law, Use of compressibility charts and equations of state (Van der Waals’) to predict real gas properties from experimental data. Vapour pressure calculations, Clausius Clapeyron equation, saturation vapour pressure, vapour-liquid equilibrium calculations using Raoult’s law and Henry’s law, relative humidity, partial saturation and humidity.


MechanicsLinear kinematics and its equations of motion, projectile motion, circular motion. Newton’s laws of motion, principle of conservation of momentum applications to linear and planar motion, concept of friction and its laws, motion on smooth and rough inclined planes, simple and complex Atwood’s machines. Concept of work, energy and power, work-energy principle, principle of conservation of energy. Rotational motion, equations of rotational kinematics, moment of inertia and radius of gyration of a rotating body; torque and angular momentum; work, power and energy in rotational motion, conservation of angular momentum. Simple harmonic motion and its characteristics, energetics of simple harmonic motion, idea of damped and forced oscillations, resonance and its applications. Wave motion and its characteristics, theory of sound propagation, velocity of sound and factors influencing the velocity of sound, Doppler effect in sound, superposition of sound in space (stationary waves) and time (beats), vibrations of air columns and stretched strings.
OpticsGeometrical optics, reflection and refraction of light, reflections by spherical mirrors, refraction through lenses, spherical and chromatic aberrations, dispersion and deviation of light through prism, optical microscopes, and telescopes. Wave nature of light; interference, Young’s double slit experiment, Lloyd’s mirror and Fresenel’s biprism techniques for producing interference pattern, interference through the thin film, coloring of thin films; diffraction of light through a single slit, Rayleigh’s criteria of resolution, resolving power of optical instruments; concept of polarization, methods of producing polarized light, analysis of polarized light, Doppler effect in light. Laser, its principle, characteristics, and applications
HeatThermometry, the idea of specific heat and heat capacity, latent heats of fusion and vaporization, variation of specific heats of solids, liquids, and gases with temperature, concept of degree of freedom, law of equipartition of energy. Modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation); linear, surface and volume expansion of matter on heating.
ElectrodynamicsElectric field and electric potential, electric dipole and its field, Gauss’ law and its applications; concept of capacitance, energy stored in a capacitor, effect of introducing dielectric and conducting slabs between plates of a capacitor, dielectric constant of material. Current electricity, Kirchoff’s laws and applications, thermal and chemical effects of current, slide wire bridge, potentiometer, ammeter and voltmeter. Magnetic effects of current, Biot-Savert law and its applications, Lorentz force, moving coil galvanometers ; laws of electromagnetic induction, eddy currents and its applications, self and mutual inductance.
Modern physicsBlack body radiation distribution, photoelectric effect, idea of x-ray production, wave-matter duality and de-Broglie waves, position-momentum uncertainty principle. Crystalline and amorphous solids, basic idea of crystal structures (simple cubic, body- centered cubic, face-centered cubic) and their characteristics, close packing morphologies, Schottkey and Frenkel defects in crystals. Rutherford scattering experiment, Bohr’s model and hydrogen spectrum. Nucleus and its properties (mass, size, binding energy, magnetic and quadruple moments), nuclear forces and its properties, phenomenon of radioactivity and its laws, modes of radioactive decays (α, β and γ), nuclear fission and fusion.


Atomic structure and periodic tableConstituents of the Atom, Bohr’s Model of the Atom, Quantum Number and Electronic Energy Levels, Aufbau’s Principle, Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s Rule, n + l Rule, Electronic Configuration of Elements ( s, p, d Block Elements), Development of Periodic Table- Modern Periodic Law, Long form of Periodic Table, Study of Periodicity in Physical and Chemical Properties with\ special reference to – Atomic and Ionic Radii, Ionisation Potential. Electron Affinity, Electronegativity, Variation of Effective Nuclear Charge in a Period, Metallic Character
FuelsDefinition, Classification, Calorific Value (HCV and LCV) and Numerical Problems on Calorific Value, Combustion of Fuels, Numerical Problems on Combustion, Solid Fuels – Coal and Coke, Liquid Fuels- Petroleum and its Distillation, Cracking, Octane and Cetane Values of Liquid Fuels, Synthetic Petrol, Power Alcohol, Bio-Gas, Nuclear Fuels – Introduction to Fission and Fusion Reactions
WaterDemonstration of water resources on Earth using pie chart., Classification of water – soft water and hard water, action of soap on hard, water, types of hardness, causes of hardness, units of hardness – mg per liter (mgL-1) and part per million (ppm) and simple numericals, Disadvantages caused by the use of hard water in domestic and boiler feed water. Removal of hardness – Permutit process and Ion-exchange process. Chemical analysis of water for estimation of Total dissolved solids (TDS), Alkalinity of water. Drinking water and characteristics of drinking water. Natural water sterilization by chlorine and UV radiation and reverse osmosis (elementary idea)
Environmental ChemistryClassification of pollutants, the greenhouse effect, toxic heavy metals, organic compounds as environmental pollutants, ozone layer depletion.
CorrosionTypes of corrosion, dry and wet corrosion and their mechanisms, types of electrochemical corrosion (galvanic, pitting, waterline, differential aeration, soil, microbiological, inter-granular, stress corrosion), factors influencing corrosion, prevention of corrosion.


AlgebraQuadratic Equations, equations reducible to quadratic form, relation between roots and coefficients, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Harmonic Progression, Series of Natural Numbers
MatricesConcept of linear independence and dependence, Rank of a matrix: Row – Echelon form, System of linear equations: Condition for consistency of system of linear equations, Inverse of a matrix.
TrigonometryTrigonometric ratios and their relations, ratios of some standard angles, solution of trigonometric equations, sum and difference formulae, product formulae, multiple and sub-multiple angles, solution of triangles.
Coordinate GeometryCartesian coordinates, equations of straight line in various forms, intersection of two straight lines, angle between two lines, distance formula. Equation of circle in various forms, tangent and normal to circle.
Differential Calculus of Functions of one variableSuccessive Differentiation, Leibnitz Theorem, Expansions of functions: Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Series, Formulae for remainder term in Taylor and Maclaurin series, Angle of contingence, Curvature, Radius of curvature, Centre of curvature for curves in Cartesian form. Curvature at the origin: Newton’s formulas.
Differential Calculus of Functions of two variablesConcept of limit and continuity of a function of two variables, Partial derivatives, total differential, differentiation of an implicit function, chain rule, change of variables, Jacobian, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series. Maxima and minima of a function of two variables: Lagrange’s method of multipliers.
Ordinary Differential EquationsReview of geometrical meaning of the differential equation directional fields, Exact differential equations, Integrating factors
Integral CalculusReduction formula for òsinn x dx, òcosnx dx, ò sinm x cosm x dx, Areas of curves, Length of curves, Volume and surface areas of revolution, Double integrals, Change of order of integration, Areas enclosed by plane curves.
Vector Differential CalculusVectors and scalar functions and fields, derivatives. Curves, tangents, arc lengths, Curvature and torsion of a curve, Gradient of a Scalar field, Directional Derivative, Divergence of a vector field, Curl of a vector field.
Vector Integral CalculusLine integrals, Line integrals independent of path, Green’s theorem in the plane, Surface Integrals, Triple integrals, Gauss Divergence Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem.

General Aptitude & Communication Skills

General AptitudeCoding- Decoding , Directions, Reasoning
Writing SkillsBasics of Grammar – Word Order, Sentence Construction, Placing of Subject and Verbs, Parts of Speech – Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Use of Tenses, Articles, Active-Passive, Verbal Analogies

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